Recent Additions

Cassin's Kingbird-January, Merced Co, CA
Added: Fri - Jan 17, 2025
Hooded Oriole-October, Madera, CA
Added: Fri - Jan 17, 2025
Whitecrowned Sparrow(gambelii)-September, Fresno, CA
Added: Fri - Jan 17, 2025
Fox Sparrow(annectens)-November, Madera Co, CA
Added: Fri - Jan 17, 2025
Blackbellied Plover-April, Los Banos, CA
Added: Thu - Jan 09, 2025
Ovenbird-May, Kern Co, CA
Added: Thu - Jan 09, 2025
Common Merganser-March, San Luis Obispo Co, CA
Added: Thu - Jan 09, 2025
Orchard Oriole-October, Madera, CA
Added: Wed - Jan 01, 2025
Indigo bunting-May, Madera Co, CA
Added: Wed - Jan 01, 2025
Surf Scoter-October, Madera Co, CA
Added: Wed - Jan 01, 2025
Winter Wren-December, Merced Co, CA
Added: Mon - Dec 30, 2024
Mountain Quail-June, Madera Co, CA
Added: Wed - Dec 25, 2024
Calliope Hummingbird-August, Cochise Co, AZ
Added: Wed - Dec 25, 2024
Herring Gull-November, American River, CA
Added: Mon - Dec 16, 2024
Gambel's Quail-August, Coshise Co, CA
Added: Mon - Dec 16, 2024
Townsend's Warbler-December, Fresno, CA
Added: Mon - Dec 16, 2024
Burrowing Owl(juv.)-August, Fresno, CA
Added: Tue - Dec 10, 2024
Horned Lark-November, Madera Co, CA
Added: Tue - Dec 10, 2024


  1. A
  2. Avocet, American (4)
  3. B
  4. Bittern, American (2)
  5. Blackbird, Brewer's (2)
  6. Blackbird, Red-winged (4)
  7. Blackbird, Rusty (2)
  8. Blackbird, Tricolored (10)
  9. Blackbird, Yellow-headed (4)
  10. Bluebird, Eastern (2)
  11. Bluebird, Mountain (6)
  12. Bluebird, Western (5)
  13. Bobolink
  14. Booby, Blue-footed
  15. Brant, Black (2)
  16. Bufflehead (3)
  17. Bunting, Indigo (3)
  18. Bunting, Lazuli (7)
  19. Bunting, Snow
  20. Bunting, Varied (3)
  21. Bushtit (3)
  22. C
  23. Canvasback
  24. Cardinal, Northern
  25. Catbird, Gray (2)
  26. Chat, Yellow-breasted (4)
  27. Chickadee, Chestnut-backed (3)
  28. Chickadee, Mountain (2)
  29. Chukar (5)
  30. Coot, American
  31. Cormorant, Brandt's
  32. Cormorant, Double-crested (3)
  33. Cormorant, Neotropic (3)
  34. Cowbird, Brown-headed (2)
  35. Crane, Sandhill (7)
  36. Creeper, Brown
  37. Crow, American
  38. Curlew, Long-billed (3)
  39. D
  40. Dipper, American (5)
  41. Dove, Common Ground (2)
  42. Dove, Eurasian Collared (3)
  43. Dove, Inca (2)
  44. Dove, Mourning (2)
  45. Dove, Ruddy Ground- (2)
  46. Dove, White-winged
  47. Dowitcher, Long-billed (7)
  48. Dowitcher, Short-billed (3)
  49. Duck, Black-bellied Whistling
  50. Duck, Falcated
  51. Duck, Harlequin (2)
  52. Duck, Long-tailed
  53. Duck, Mandarin (2)
  54. Duck, Mexican
  55. Duck, Ring-necked (4)
  56. Duck, Ruddy (3)
  57. Duck, Wood (5)
  58. Dunlin (4)
  59. E
  60. Eagle, Bald (4)
  61. Eagle, Golden (4)
  62. Egret, Cattle (5)
  63. Egret, Great (3)
  64. Egret, Reddish
  65. Egret, Snowy (2)
  66. Eider, Common
  67. F
  68. Falcon, Peregrine (5)
  69. Falcon, Prairie (2)
  70. Finch, Cassin's (4)
  71. Finch, House
  72. Finch, Purple (3)
  73. Flicker, Northern (2)
  74. Flycatcher, Ash-throated (5)
  75. Flycatcher, Brown-crested (2)
  76. Flycatcher, Cordilleran (3)
  77. Flycatcher, Dusky (4)
  78. Flycatcher, Dusky-capped
  79. Flycatcher, Gray (2)
  80. Flycatcher, Hammond's (5)
  81. Flycatcher, Least
  82. Flycatcher, Olive-sided (2)
  83. Flycatcher, Pacific-slope (5)
  84. Flycatcher, Pine
  85. Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed
  86. Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied
  87. Flycatcher, Tufted
  88. Flycatcher, Vermilion (8)
  89. Flycatcher, Willow (2)
  90. G
  91. Gadwall (4)
  92. Gallinule, Common (2)
  93. Gnatcatcher, Black-tailed
  94. Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray (5)
  95. Gnatcatcher, California
  96. Godwit, Bar-tailed (3)
  97. Godwit, Hudsonian (3)
  98. Godwit, Marbled (2)
  99. Goldeneye, Barrow's (4)
  100. Goldeneye, Common (4)
  101. Goldfinch, American (4)
  102. Goldfinch, Lawrence's (6)
  103. Goldfinch, Lesser (7)
  104. Goose, Cackling (4)
  105. Goose, Canada (4)
  106. Goose, Ross's (11)
  107. Goose, Snow (11)
  108. Goose, White-fronted (6)
  109. Goshawk, Northern
  110. Grackle, Common
  111. Grackle, Great-tailed (2)
  112. Grebe, Clark's (2)
  113. Grebe, Eared (6)
  114. Grebe, Horned (5)
  115. Grebe, Least
  116. Grebe, Pied-billed (3)
  117. Grebe, Red-necked (3)
  118. Grebe, Western (2)
  119. Grosbeak, Black-headed (3)
  120. Grosbeak, Blue (7)
  121. Grosbeak, Evening (4)
  122. Grosbeak, Pine
  123. Gull, Bonaparte's (6)
  124. Gull, California (6)
  125. Gull, Franklin's (4)
  126. Gull, Glaucous (3)
  127. Gull, Glaucous-winged (7)
  128. Gull, Heermann's (4)
  129. Gull, Herring (4)
  130. Gull, Iceland (Thayer's) (3)
  131. Gull, Lesser Black-backed
  132. Gull, Ring-billed (2)
  133. Gull, Sabine's (3)
  134. Gull, Short-billed (7)
  135. Gull, Western (3)
  136. H
  137. Harrier, Northern (8)
  138. Hawk, Cooper's (2)
  139. Hawk, Ferruginous (3)
  140. Hawk, Gray
  141. Hawk, Red-shouldered (4)
  142. Hawk, Red-tailed (10)
  143. Hawk, Rough-legged
  144. Hawk, Swainson's (8)
  145. Hawk, Zone-tailed
  146. Heron, Black-crowned Night
  147. Heron, Great Blue (2)
  148. Heron, Green (4)
  149. Heron, Little Blue (4)
  150. Hummingbird, Allen's
  151. Hummingbird, Anna's (4)
  152. Hummingbird, Black-chinned (2)
  153. Hummingbird, Broad-billed (3)
  154. Hummingbird, Broad-tailed (2)
  155. Hummingbird, Calliope (7)
  156. Hummingbird, Costa's (7)
  157. Hummingbird, Magnificent
  158. Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
  159. Hummingbird, Rufous (9)
  160. I
  161. Ibis, White-faced (2)
  162. J
  163. Jaeger, Long-tailed (3)
  164. Jaeger, Pomeraine
  165. Jay, California Scrub (4)
  166. Jay, Mexican
  167. Jay, Steller's (2)
  168. Junco, Dark-eyed (2)
  169. Junco, Yellow-eyed (4)
  170. K
  171. Kestrel, American (5)
  172. Killdeer (2)
  173. Kingbird, Cassin's (4)
  174. Kingbird, Couch's
  175. Kingbird, Eastern (2)
  176. Kingbird, Tropical
  177. Kingbird, Western (3)
  178. Kingfisher, Belted (2)
  179. Kinglet, Golden-crowned (2)
  180. Kite, White-tailed (4)
  181. Kittiwake, Black-legged
  182. Knot, Red (2)
  183. L
  184. Lark, Horned (5)
  185. Longspur, Thick-billed
  186. Loon, Arctic (2)
  187. Loon, Common (2)
  188. Loon, Pacific
  189. M
  190. Magpie, Black-billed (2)
  191. Magpie, Yellow-billed (2)
  192. Mallard (2)
  193. Meadowlark, Eastern
  194. Meadowlark, Western (2)
  195. Merganser, Common (3)
  196. Merganser, Hooded (4)
  197. Merlin (8)
  198. Mockingbird, Northern (2)
  199. N
  200. Nene
  201. Night-heron, black-crowned
  202. Nighthawk, Lesser (5)
  203. Nuthatch, Pygmy (3)
  204. Nuthatch, Red-Breasted (2)
  205. Nuthatch, White-breasted (7)
  206. O
  207. Oriole, Baltimore
  208. Oriole, Bullock's (4)
  209. Oriole, Hooded (6)
  210. Oriole, Orchard (3)
  211. Oriole, Scott's
  212. Osprey
  213. Ovenbird (3)
  214. Owl, Barn
  215. Owl, Burrowing (7)
  216. Owl, Great Gray (6)
  217. Owl, Great-horned
  218. Owl, Long-eared (3)
  219. Owl, Northern Pygmy (3)
  220. Owl, Northern Saw-whet
  221. Owl, Short-eared (3)
  222. Owl, Spotted (Mexican)
  223. Owl, Spotted (northern) (5)
  224. Owl, Western Screech (2)
  225. Oystercatcher, Black (2)
  226. P
  227. Palila
  228. Parakeet, Nanday
  229. Peafowl, Indian
  230. Pelican, American White
  231. Pelican, Brown (3)
  232. Pewee, Eastern Wood
  233. Pewee, Western Wood (4)
  234. Phainopepla (6)
  235. Phalarope, Red (3)
  236. Phalarope, Red-necked (8)
  237. Phalarope, Wilson's (5)
  238. Pheasant, Ring-necked (2)
  239. Phoebe, Black (2)
  240. Phoebe, Eastern
  241. Phoebe, Say's (4)
  242. Pigeon, Band-tailed
  243. Pintail, Northern (9)
  244. Pipit, American
  245. Pipit, Olive-backed
  246. Pipit, Sprague's (2)
  247. Plover, American Golden (3)
  248. Plover, Black-bellied (4)
  249. Plover, Mountain (6)
  250. Plover, Pacific Golden (2)
  251. Plover, Semipalmated (4)
  252. Plover, Snowy (9)
  253. Q
  254. Quail, California (6)
  255. Quail, Gambel's (4)
  256. Quail, Montezuma (2)
  257. Quail, Mountain (8)
  258. Quail, Scaled
  259. R
  260. Rail, Virginia (2)
  261. Raven, Chihuahan
  262. Raven, Common (3)
  263. Redhead (2)
  264. Redstart, American (3)
  265. Redstart, Painted (2)
  266. Redstart, Slate-throated (2)
  267. Roadrunner (4)
  268. Robin, American (5)
  269. Rosy-Finch, Black
  270. Ruff (3)
  271. S
  272. Sanderling (5)
  273. Sandpiper, Baird's (7)
  274. Sandpiper, Buff-breasted (2)
  275. Sandpiper, Curlew (2)
  276. Sandpiper, Least (5)
  277. Sandpiper, Pectoral (5)
  278. Sandpiper, Semipalmated (6)
  279. Sandpiper, Solitary
  280. Sandpiper, Spotted (4)
  281. Sandpiper, Stilt (2)
  282. Sandpiper, Upland (3)
  283. Sandpiper, Western (7)
  284. Sapsucker, Red-breasted (2)
  285. Sapsucker, Red-naped (2)
  286. Sapsucker, Williamson's (2)
  287. Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied (3)
  288. Scaup, Greater (2)
  289. Scaup, Lesser
  290. Scoter, Common (2)
  291. Scoter, Surf (2)
  292. Scoter, White-winged (2)
  293. Shoveler, Northern (2)
  294. Shrike, Loggerhead (6)
  295. Siskin, Pine (2)
  296. Skimmer, Black
  297. Snipe (3)
  298. Solitaire, Townsend's (3)
  299. Sora
  300. Sparrow, Bell's (5)
  301. Sparrow, Black-chinned (2)
  302. Sparrow, Black-throated (2)
  303. Sparrow, Botteri's (3)
  304. Sparrow, Cassin's
  305. Sparrow, Chipping (2)
  306. Sparrow, Clay-colored (3)
  307. Sparrow, Field (2)
  308. Sparrow, Five-striped (2)
  309. Sparrow, Fox (9)
  310. Sparrow, Golden-crowned (3)
  311. Sparrow, Lark (4)
  312. Sparrow, LeConte's (2)
  313. Sparrow, Lincoln's (3)
  314. Sparrow, Rufous-crowned (3)
  315. Sparrow, Rufous-winged
  316. Sparrow, Sagebrush (3)
  317. Sparrow, Savannah (2)
  318. Sparrow, Sharp-tailed (3)
  319. Sparrow, Song (6)
  320. Sparrow, Vesper (2)
  321. Sparrow, White-crowned (7)
  322. Sparrow, White-throated (2)
  323. Starling, European
  324. Stilt, Black-necked
  325. Stint, Little (3)
  326. Storm-petrel, Wedge-rumped
  327. Surfbird (2)
  328. Swallow, Bank
  329. Swallow, Cliff (3)
  330. Swallow, Tree (4)
  331. Swallow, Violet-green (2)
  332. Swan, Mute
  333. Swan, Tundra (2)
  334. T
  335. Tanager, Hepatic
  336. Tanager, Summer (3)
  337. Tanager, Western (2)
  338. Tattler, Wandering (2)
  339. Teal, Blue-winged (3)
  340. Teal, Cinnamon (2)
  341. Teal, Green-winged
  342. Tern, Black (3)
  343. Tern, Caspian (5)
  344. Tern, Common (2)
  345. Tern, Elegant (6)
  346. Tern, Forster's (6)
  347. Tern, Royal
  348. Thrasher, Brown
  349. Thrasher, California
  350. Thrasher, Curve-billed
  351. Thrasher, Le Conte's
  352. Thrasher, Sage (2)
  353. Thrush, Hermit (2)
  354. Thrush, Swainson's (3)
  355. Thrush, Varied (2)
  356. Titmouse, Oak (2)
  357. Towhee, California (2)
  358. Towhee, Green-tailed (3)
  359. Towhee, Spotted (3)
  360. Trogon, Elegant (2)
  361. Turkey, Wild (8)
  362. Turnstone, Black
  363. Turnstone, Ruddy (4)
  364. Tyrannulet, Northern Beardless (2)
  365. U
  366. V
  367. Veery (2)
  368. Verdin (3)
  369. Vireo, Bell's
  370. Vireo, Cassin's (3)
  371. Vireo, Gray
  372. Vireo, Hutton's (2)
  373. Vireo, Plumbeous
  374. Vireo, Red-eyed (2)
  375. Vireo, Warbling (3)
  376. Vulture, Turkey (4)
  377. W
  378. Wagtail, White
  379. Warbler, Arctic
  380. Warbler, Black-and-white (2)
  381. Warbler, Black-throated Gray (4)
  382. Warbler, Blackpoll (3)
  383. Warbler, Grace's (2)
  384. Warbler, Hermit (2)
  385. Warbler, Lucy's
  386. Warbler, MacGillivray's (2)
  387. Warbler, Nashville (3)
  388. Warbler, Olive
  389. Warbler, Orange-crowned (7)
  390. Warbler, Palm (2)
  391. Warbler, Prairie
  392. Warbler, Prothonotary (2)
  393. Warbler, Red-faced (3)
  394. Warbler, Rufous-capped (2)
  395. Warbler, Tennessee (3)
  396. Warbler, Townsend's (8)
  397. Warbler, Virginia's
  398. Warbler, Wilson's (3)
  399. Warbler, Yellow (5)
  400. Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) (4)
  401. Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) (4)
  402. Warbler, Yellow-rumped (intergrade)
  403. Waterthrush, Louisiana (2)
  404. Waterthrush, Northern (2)
  405. Waxwing, Bohemian
  406. Waxwing, Cedar (2)
  407. Whimbrel (3)
  408. Wigeon, American (3)
  409. Wigeon, Eurasian
  410. Willet (4)
  411. Woodpecker, Acorn (3)
  412. Woodpecker, Arizona
  413. Woodpecker, Black-backed (2)
  414. Woodpecker, Gila
  415. Woodpecker, Hairy (4)
  416. Woodpecker, Ladder backed (2)
  417. Woodpecker, Lewis's (5)
  418. Woodpecker, Nuttal's
  419. Woodpecker, Pileated
  420. Woodpecker, White-headed (3)
  421. Wren, Bewick's
  422. Wren, Cactus (2)
  423. Wren, Canyon (3)
  424. Wren, House (4)
  425. Wren, Marsh (2)
  426. Wren, Pacific (3)
  427. Wren, Rock (3)
  428. Wren, Winter
  429. Wrentit
  430. X
  431. Y
  432. Yellowlegs, Greater
  433. Yellowlegs, Lesser (5)
  434. Yellowthroat, Common (8)
  435. Z


Avenal Ranch-March, Kings Co, CA

Ficklin Vineyards-May, Madera Co, CA

Merced National Wildlife Refuge, CA-February

San Joaquin River @ Gravelly Ford-March, Madera Co, CA

Tulare Lake basin-July, Kings Co, CA

Byers Lake, Alaska

Cosumnes River Preserve- November, Sacramento Co, CA

Courtright Reservoir- June 2017, Fresno Co, CA

Hollister Ranch-April, Santa Barbara Co, CA

Kennedy Table Mountain-April, Madera Co, CA

Cosumnes River Preserve-November, Sacramento Co, CA

Merced National Wildlife Refuge, CA-November

Tulare Lake Basin-August, Kings Co, CA

Merced National Wildlife Refuge-November

Point Pinos-December, Monterey, CA

Pt. Pinos, Monterey, CA

SJER, Madera Co., CA

SJER, Madera Co., CA

SJER, Madera Co., CA

Birdrock-Monterey, CA

Eastern Madera county, CA-mid March

Mt. Denali, Alaska

Nevada mining town

Owens Peak, Sierra Nevada Kern county

Sutter Buttes-Colusa Co, CA


Antelope, Pronghorn


Bobcat (5)

Chipmunk, Cliff

Chipmunk, Lodgepole (3)

Coyote (2)

Deer, Black-tailed (5)

Deer, Coues (2)

Elk, Tule (2)

Fox, Gray (2)


Marmot (2)

Otter, Sea (2)


Prairie Dog, Black-tailed (2)

Sheep, Bighorn

Squirrel, Abert's

Squirrel, Antelope Ground (3)

Squirrel, California Ground

Squirrel, Eastern Gray (2)

Squirrel, Golden mantled Ground

Squirrel, Thirteen-lined

Toad, Horned (2)

Turtle, Western Pond (2)

Bio & Contact

Profile Picture

Gary Woods has been an agricultural pest control advisor since 1980 in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley of Central California where he visits orchards and vineyards for his clients scattered inside of a 1200 square mile territory. Since he was 7, Gary has had a fascination with birds and getting as close as possible to observe them and their mannerisms. With the advent of digital photography he found a new and better way to capture his experiences with birds and share what he saw with others. He received an accelerated boost in his education by spending a day with noted wildlife photographer Bob Steele in October of 2006 and has continued to draw inspiration from not only Bob but many other bird photographers like Robert Royse, Glenn Bartley, Matthew Studebaker and Brian Small. This website is an attempt to share with everyone the beauty of not only birds, but other natural subjects encountered where birds are found.

For inquiries, contact me at: